Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Serving God’s People · ·

  • Sunday Services @ 10am
  • Sunday School @ 10am
  • Pastor: Pastor Jacqueline "Jackie" Salgado
  • 328 S. Church Rd Bensenville, IL
  • Give Us a Call (630)766-4124

I'm New

Welcome to The First United Methodist Church of Bensenville!

How and when is the Worship Service Done?

Our Worship Service is held every Sunday at 10:00 am. Participants will find it a blend of traditional and contempory formats. Our music group, including keyboard, guitar, and singers, lead the congregation in a mixture of Contemporary Christian songs and traditional hymns.Communion is typically served on the first and third Sunday of each month with communion additionally served for special recognized Sundays and holidays. Everyone is invited to take part in the worship service and all are welcome to take communion.

Children’s Sunday School is offered every Sunday of the month. The first and third Sunday of the month there will be a young disciples moment during the worship service.


Where do I Park?

The entrance to our parking lot is located on the south side of the building. The parking lot is located on the west side of the church, which is also oriented behind the church. If you are in need of a handicap lift, please continue through the parking lot to the north side of the building. The door for the lift is located 20 feet from the back of the building. If you do not have a key, please ring the doorbell and one of our ushers will assist you. Lift instructions are posted inside of the lift for your convenience.


Where is the Entrance to the Church?

The main entrance is located at the front of the church which is the east side of the building. Enter through the doors and proceed up the stairs on your left. On the left is our conference room, straight ahead is the Nursery room and to the right is the Narthex and Sanctuary. Please sign our guest book located outside of the Narthex doors.


Is there a handicapped accessible washroom?

Our handicapped accessible unisex washroom can be found by going into the conference room and looking to your right.


How are things handled in the Sanctuary?

Please sit wherever you are comfortable, or ask an usher to help you locate a seat for you.  The hymnals, bibles, and songbooks are located directly under the pew in front of you. In addition to the bulletin, the order of service, songs and other service information are projected onto the screen located in the front right of the sanctuary. Toddler bags are also available to keep the young ones engaged during service. We welcome children of all ages to our attend our services.

There is a speaker located located inside the Nursery so that the entire service can be listened to. During the worship service, Sunday School children will be excused to attend class. The Sunday School room is located downstairs to the left of the restrooms.

Outreach Ministry Opportunity information is available on the kiosk located in the Narthex.


Do you have a Fellowship time?

Following the worship service, we have a social gathering called "Coffee and...", downstairs in Fellowship Hall, which can be accessed with the lift from the church Narthex, or using the stairs at the front entrance.

After service has ended, please join us for some coffee, juice, snacks and chatting, and meet some new friends . We would love to have you.