Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Serving God’s People · ·

  • Sunday Services @ 10am
  • Sunday School @ 10am
  • Pastor: Pastor Jacqueline "Jackie" Salgado
  • 328 S. Church Rd Bensenville, IL
  • Give Us a Call (630)766-4124

Worship and Celebration Events

Harvest Fest Dinner and Auction 2024







Worship Service


Our Worship Service is held every Sunday at 11:00 am.


Participants will find it a blend of traditional and contemporary formats


and a celebration of scripture, prayer, song and a bible based message.


The music leader will lead the congregation in a mixture of Contemporary


Christian songs and traditional hymns.


Acts 2:38-39 (NRSV)


38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.”


Holy Baptism is a Covenant between an individual and God. It is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace and our word to God, promising our response of faith and love. 


The sacrament of Baptism is held in the Wesleyan tradition wherein persons of all ages can be baptized. The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms from other faiths and churches and therefore does not “re-baptize”.


The First United Methodist Church of Bensenville welcomes your inquiry about the Sacrament of Baptism and we look forward to assisting your family with planning this special day. It is our desire to make your baptism a most memorable occasion.


“While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to them and said, Take; this is my body”       Mark 14:22 NRSV


The holy sacrament of communion began on the last night of Jesus’ life as he gave bread and wine to his disciples. It is a holy time of worship when we come together as one body to remember and celebrate what Christ did for us and feel the grace of his ever abiding love.


Communion is served on various Sunday’s throughout the month, typically the first and third, holidays, and other specially recognized Sundays. All are welcome to take communion. In the United Methodist Christian Tradition we believe the altar belongs to Jesus Christ.  There is no age minimum or membership requirement. All are welcome to come and partake in this Holy Sacrament.


"As they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

Mark 10:8-9


One of the great joys that come to a church and its pastor is to share in the service which joins a couple in the covenant of marriage. A Christian marriage ceremony is an act of worship in which two persons covenant with one another to share life’s journey together. As an act of worship, the service of marriage is an act of the church in which we celebrate the creative and redemptive love of God present with us. We at the First United Methodist Church are honored to do what we can to make your journey together, one of great joy and happiness.


When persons who are not members of The First United Methodist Church of Bensenville request the use of our facilities and staff for weddings, we welcome the opportunity to extend our ministry at this joyous and significant time. It should be clearly understood, however, that the standards and policies developed by our congregation shall apply, and our Pastor shall conduct and direct the service. Participation by other Pastor’s is permissible, but only with the permission of our Pastor.

If you are considering having your wedding at The First United Methodist Church of Bensenville, please contact the church office at (630) 766-4124 or email us at  or at for availability and fees.

Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! Thank you for thinking of The First United Methodist Church of Bensenville as part of your plans. 


Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and I am the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, shall live, and whoever believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25).


Services of Death and Resurrection are an important part of congregational life. The ministries of prayer and worship are appropriate at times of loss and separation, and are an important part of the healing process for all in the family.


Plans for services and all other ministries following death should be made in consultation with the pastor as soon as possible. The pastor will help you plan a service of remembrance and celebration for the deceased. Our prayer for families suffering loss is always that “the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge of the love of God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Please contact the church office at (630) 766-4124 or email us here